Every director hopes to have that one film that defines who they are and is the legacy/foundation upon which their career is judged:
- Coppola – Godfather
- Lucas – Star Wars
- Spielberg – ET
- Zemeckis – Back to the Future
- Hitchcock – Psycho
For Cameron Crowe, that film is Almost Famous. AF is based on Crowe’s experiences as a teenager and a writer for Rolling Stone. The story follows William, who goes on tour with a band on the verge of making it and falls for a girl who serves as a muse and a guide to growing up. Given Crowe’s feelings on the subject matter, you feel a heart and a life to this movie that hasn’t existed in his other movies, even Jerry Maguire. Watching it, you are William and you feel his pain. Of course, the music is outstanding and the visuals are good. Kate Hudson was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar with her role as Penny Lane in this movie, which could easily have been about her versus William.
The Bootleg DVD set contains an extended cut of the movie which adds more background – I liked the inclusion of the scenes. All of Crowe’s Rolling Stone articles can be found here, as well as many deleted scenes and concert footage. Much like the original movie, this set was a labor of love.
My advice: This is almost a must-have in any DVD collection – a fine movie and a fine DVD set release…