I should know better by now….
Whenever Rich and I decide to meet up for a movie, the ones I pick end up being better than the ones he picks. This is particularly true when I pick one movie and we change to his choice at the last minute. This happened a couple of weeks ago when meeting at The Plaza Cinema Cafe for a cheap movie. He decided he wanted to see Pandorum, admitted that it would be awful, and yet I still agreed to see it.
Imagine a spacecraft….drifting in space…..with the crew in hypersleep. Something wakes them up and they realize things have gone horribly wrong. If this sounds familiar, then you are correct. I just described Alien from 1979, which also applies to this movie. What follows is a convoluted mess that involves mind games and boogey men. Even Dennis Quaid couldn’t save this movie…
My advice: Never let Rich pick movies, and skip this one completely…