The Princess Bride

We all have them — that one movie that we never got around to seeing in the theater but was forced to watch by our significant other.  For guys, this usually involves a chick flick filled with “kissing and all that yucky stuff.”.  For me, it was The Princess Bride.

In my review of 27 Dresses, I referred to one of my exes and her love at the time of bridal magazines.  Well, I guess you have to be careful of what you put on the Internet.  Yep, she saw the review and asked me to do a review on her favorite movie, The Princess Bride.  I agreed, and 8 months later, this is it.

So what do the the first two paragraphs have in common?

You guessed it.  The Princess Bride is the movie she insisted that I watch with her one night.  Over the years since, I have had a love-hate relationship with the movie.  For a long time, I did not want to watch the movie because it reminded me of her.  After a while I got over myself and realized that I was shutting myself off from a good movie.

So after promising to review it, I picked up the DVD and settled in for an afternoon of watching.

The story is based on classic children’s book of the same title.  Fred Savage, banking on his Wonder Years popularity, plays a sick kid whose grandfather (Peter Falk) spends the afternoon reading and caring for.  What follows is a love story without the “kissing and yucky stuff.”  Rob Reiner does a great job melding the performances of many character actors to tell a heartwarming story that all can enjoy.  Unfortunately the DVD had very few extras; such a poor packaging for a good movie.

My advice:  If your significant other says to watch this, there is only one reply: As you wish…

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