The Invincible Iron Man

My odyssey through Marvel DVDs for this weekend ends with the third of the Marvel animated set: The Invincible Iron Man.

Overall, I was disappointed in this DVD; I am sure that will change over time. I made the mistake of watching it right after the Ultimate Avengers movies. Iron Man has a different look and feel, more anime in style.

The story is actually stronger, buried in Chinese mythology. This also means a slower story from an action point of view. Iron Man is voiced by the same actor from the Ultimate movies, so credit to Marvel for consistency.

Overall, not a bad DVD. It has the extra features of 5.1 sound, an alternate opening sequence (I liked this one better), an origin feature, a tour of the armour gallery, concept art, and a look at the next Marvel animated feature (Dr. Strange).

My advice: Worth watching, but not right after the Avengers. Keep up the good work, Marvel.

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