Fantastic 4: Best Buy Special Edition DVD Set

Given that Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer starts today, I decided to do something that I did not have time to do before Spidey/Shrek/POC — Watch the first movie again.   I missed seeing this in the theater (so far, it and Ghost Rider are the only two I missed in the theater since the resurgence), but based on my friends’ feedback (”Fartastic Four”), I wasn’t worried.

Then the DVD came out.  Best Buy had a special edition made, with it coming in a can with extras.  In addition to the DVD, there is a CD-ROM with all of the comic books released up to that point and lobby cards with scenes on them.  The DVD included the usual features:

  • Cast Audio commentary (did not listen to)
  • DTS and 5.1 Dolby sound
  • Deleted Scenes (not even worth looking at)
  • Video Diary — chronicles the press tour done by the cast to promote the film
  • 2 Making of documentaries
  • Casting Session — an actual show from Fox Movie Channel.  I thought it might be casting readthroughs at first.
  • Music Videos — eh
  • Trailers — Interesting to see how Fox moved off of July 4 as the release date to July 8.

I have to admit — I fell asleep the first time I watched this movie.  I was over at my girlfriend’s place and it was late.  She got irritated that I fell asleep, but such is life.  Anyway, I never got around to trying to see it again until today.

Two years removed from the hype and zero expectations, I have to say that the movie is not that bad.  True, I have a soft spot for superhero movies, but this is more of the fun side of comics.  So many of the hero flicks put a coat of angst over the main character.  While that is important for Batman and Spiderman, angst should not be part of Superman or Fantastic 4.  The name alone is supposed to invoke positive, happy emotions.

Stan Lee has done this on purpose — he wants that extreme:

  • Happy — It’s the Fantastic 4
  • Hate — It’s Dr. Doom

For an origin story, it is ok.  Unlike most hero movies, this one has to get 5 origin stories out there.  Would true “fanboys” be upset at some of the characteristics?  Yes, but I am not a “fanboy” of Fantastic 4 like I am with Bats or Spidey.  The story line is weak and many things predictable.  You get exactly what you expect.

My advice: Save it for a lazy Saturday afternoon of vegging on the couch — TV broadcast is ok, but if you want to NetFlix it, there are worse choices out there.