Welcome Back, Fearless Readers

Oh, how I have missed sharing my nuggets of wisdom with all of you.  However, life, the universe, and everything conspired to keep me from you.  I had actually been working on several reviews that never made it to fruition when the accident of all accidents happened – the site was lost, along with all of its content.

While I am sad to have almost everything I had written since 2007, this also gives me a chance to do some things that I had been putting off.  First and foremost, we have a new URL – www.typingaboutmovies.com .  That’s right – I have moved the review site away from its parent domain and placed it in its own home in the big ol’ Internet.  I have also started playing with the look and feel of the site.

Well, that is all for now – the 3 new reviews I have for you will not write themselves…

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